
Our yard has some pretty great stuff going on.


Garden Times…

Green beans, onions, Bok choy and basil.


Seeing how posting from my phone works. Testing… Testing…

Grubs suck.

The Bok Choy in the garden is doing well, with the exception of one that was laid out flat and shriveled on the ground.  I barely touched it and it clearly didn’t even have any roots in the ground.  And right under the surface where it was planted? This grub.


Garden Dudes

Saw two of these dudes yesterday.  I put the keys there for scale.  These caterpillars are huge!  And they should be since they are on a very steady diet of leaves from my jalapeno pepper plants.  I’ve been getting more jalapenos from the garden than I can make nachos for, and trust me – I’m trying to make nachos every night.  Pregnant ladies have those weird food aversions and cravings, you know? And apparently nachos every night isn’t what pregnant ladies want.  But these green dudes, they were all about the jalapenos.  They came out of nowhere though. It wasn’t like I saw little baby versions of them or anything. I was just watering yesterday and noticed a plant was missing half it’s leaves.

Lots of tomatoes and lots of jalapenos. Salsa gardening.

Spring is over?

This weekend was an interesting 90 degrees outside.  Here’s some pictures from the backyard and garden on what may already be the last days of spring (not really…).

Zucchini flower


Things to eat, and places to sit?

Got some nice rain last night.  The zucchini and snap peas are just poking through the surface.

I made a simple clamp rack for some new clamps I got.  It was mostly as excuse to practice hand planing, routing and angled dowels.

A gentle and amateur prerequisite for something like these perhaps?

The second picture is of a welsh stick chair, closely related to the American style Windsor. That is something I’m really interested in trying to make.  And although the angled tenons of the stools above are probably equally time consuming, it seems a little less daunting.  I’ve been enjoying a number of woodworking blogs lately, the stick chair picture came from here, a person with FAR more woodworking experience. You can tell because he refers to making this chair as “extra-curricular”.

For now I’ve reached  a happy medium between chair making and gardening with making a cutting board.  At least when the zucchini are knocking on the kitchen door I’ll be ready for them.

Here it is with the oil still drying.


Amber and I went to Tallahassee this past weekend.  It was my mom’s birthday and had recently been Amber’s mom’s birthday. Dinner on Friday night meant we got to announce THIS:

While possibly not the most becoming photo, this is indeed out first photograph evidence of the newest  member of our family!   The rest of the weekend was a blur of merriment, St. Marks, board games, dogs and stopping by my uncle’s house.  And of course the mothers went shopping for some baby things.

And on Monday we had some time to relax around the house.  I got to enjoy the awesome weather and get some gardening done. Snap peas, tomatoes, zucchini, jalapenos, and green beans.   Should be a good one!

Bad Baths & Rad Radishes

This weekend started out with a trip to Deland (one of my favorite places, but that is a blog for another time) to see Josh’s new band, Roamers, and old band, Civilization, play!  They were great, but the crowd consisted of an overabundance of teens and EARLY twenty-somethings.  I am not sure at what age it becomes unacceptable for me to hang out with kids ten years my junior, but I think it is fast approaching.  Especially when one of them kept trying to convince me to ‘get wasted and camp out in the back yard.’  Apparently, my Camelbak water bottle wasn’t all that cool.  Oh, and did I mention that I also brought, not one, but THREE books?…in case I found some downtime at the show.  In any event, it is always great to see Josh play (or hear him play from the driveway out front because crowded rooms freak me out).

During our short trip, Hannah visited her friends at Pet Paradise.  While they reassure me that she ‘has a great time,’ she still shakes like a leaf whenever we drop her off.  AND to make matters worse, she has to get a bath right when we pick her up.  She hates baths making the whole ‘my family left me to hang out in Deland’ experience that much worse.

On another note, our winter garden has produced beautiful radishes!

Turns out, Josh and I just discovered that we are not too keen on radishes and you really can’t do much with them except put them on salads and make decorative flowers.  Oh well.  Now we know for next year.

Today finds us both back to work, but this week should be exciting.  Josh is presenting to a bunch of 10th graders on Thursday night about becoming a librarian and all the cool stuff you can do at work.  And we are joining our friends for a Valentine’s Indian dinner on Friday at Cozy Tea!

And on Saturday, Josh works and I am convening with other members of my book club for ‘Harry Potter Movie Marathon, Part 1.’  This means I’ll be watching three HP movies in a row that day.  It may be the only Saturday in history that Josh is truly happy to be working…otherwise, I would have dragged him along.

Garden Time

Too many bugs on the tomatoes.   But in the other area of the garden the beans are pest free and doing great. We took out three of the overgrown tomato plants and put in space for beans.  Good times.

The Garden is Rockin!

We’re mostly growing strawberries for the birds, and thus far bugs are loving the tomatoes. But Amber has been exceedingly diligent with those bugs on the tomatoes. So any day now we’ll have big fresh tomatoes for salads.

The green beans are also doing great except I didn’t have the original packaging to realize this particular type was more of a vine than a bush. I need to add something taller for them to climb up.

And don’t even think of trying to steal and veggies. Hannah will lick you to death.